‘Worst Outcome’ For Cardiff City

Cardiff City chairman Peter Ridsdale has spoken out against the deferral of the court case, originally scheduled for next week, but now deferred until January.

Ridsdale had previously warned that a delay would be worse than losing the case with the banks already witholding money given the current uncertainty surrounding the court case.

Ridsdale told the SW Echo:

“It`s the worst outcome,”

“We are confident of winning the court case and that is still the case, but now this means a further squeeze on cash flow,” said Ridsdale.

“The biggest question is what Langston are trying to achieve. Anybody who has the club at heart should sit down and talk this through.”

It appears that Langston are being deliberately unhelpful and trying to further de-stabilise the club’s position. We do not know who they are, but they are connected to former owner Sam Hammam – a man who professes to love the club, but who ran up huge debts and is now a large part of the court case against us.

The uncertainty cannot be helping on the pitch, and at the moment we need all the help we can get.

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